What Turns On Edie Lau - Part I

I have respectfully borrowed from Ivy Societe’s ‘What Turns You On’ Campaign and will be writing thoughtfully about what turns me on. I’m delighted to be a companion/escort/worker in Sydney.
I think we should all be a little more open about our desires. Don’t yuck anyone’s yum etc etc.

This will be a two-part blog post, so please stay tuned for part two!

What turns you on?

The ability to listen, thoughtfulness and ingenuity!
I find this question ultimately hard to answer, because I’m still discovering what turns me on.
It can be the way someone smiles, their ability to intuit what you enjoy, their gentleness, firmness of their hand; I could write a list or a book about this and still be wondering about all the different ways I could be turned on: intimately, platonically, intellectually.

Oh wait. I KNOW! Deposits and screening turn me on 100% - hear me out: your trust in my process and following through with an action is a DEFINITE turn on.

Do you have a preference – morning or evening sex? Why?

I don’t have a preference but I do want to throw afternoon sex in the mix, as doing it in the afternoon is particularly indulgent when you’re meant to be doing something else ;)

What non-physical attributes do you find appealing in people that you meet?

Goofiness for sure! I think a passion for something - whatever this is, is super sexy. Restoring furniture? Got a hell of a story that you tell well? A mystery that you’re enamoured with? A new skill that you’re a noob at but hope to improve?
I’m so there for it! It’s all appealing to me!

Aside from all of that, I love it when people are generous with their time and energy, even more-so when they are considerate of my in-call space and any spaces that we share during our date! Inclusive of restaurants, galleries, vineyards, gardens and museums :)

Being kind to hospo, retail, attendants and tipping is always very sexy.

Do you have a favourite romantic gesture? Perhaps gifts, had written notes, cuddling.

Listening is such a beautiful romantic gesture, particularly when demonstrated through actions and thoughtfulness.
Getting me a book I’ve talked about? Buying tickets to a small live performance? Flying me to a place I’ve never been?
Recommending a film you think I’d like? Heart eyes for days!

Deposits and screening turn me on 100%

What type of music or specific songs that set the mood?


What is most important to you: sexual, emotional, intellectual, spiritual or physical attraction? Can you explain why?

Honestly, they’re all really important. Emotional, intellectual and spiritual attraction: at least for me, create the basis for the chemistry I experience with someone. I can’t really pick just one!

I will say that physical is an odd one, because I don’t really find myself being that drawn to physical characteristics all that much. To me, looks only get you so far.

Sometimes it’s in the indescribable chemistry you have with someone, and you can’t always pinpoint exactly what it is.
So maybe it’s MYSTERY that’s the most important? I don’t know!

How does attraction play a role in your interactions with clients?

I will always be drawn to someone that pays attention and knows that
actions > words.

If you have read all my ads, my website, have a good idea about what I’m about and then send a very detailed, carefully written introduction followed by a lightning fast deposit and screening, then I am very likely already attracted to you on some level!

Obviously I won’t know till I meet you, but I’ll be excited about meeting you for sure if you’re kind, attentive and can follow instructions.

This will be a two-part blog post, so please stay tuned for part two!


What Turns Edie On - Part II


Moments I have enjoyed lately